The textures, patterns and reflections of the metal on old barns and elevators holds such an allure for me. When I manage to capture one that works it is nothing short of delicious. I was working my way around this one out near St. Vrain, New Mexico one morning looking for the right composition when I happened on the moon hanging just below the old light. So many elements in this that came together in a wonderful choreography.
When my daughter was young we used to read Junie B. Jones with her. Junie was always up to all sorts of antics. One day she learned about Cinquains in class. A Cinquain is a very specific poem of five lines that do not rhyme. Google it sometime and learn about them, they’re really fun. I have been thinking about Cinquains lately and trying to write some to go with my images. So here is my ode to the ubiquitous grain elevator:
Stately, Stoic
Lifting, Storing, Dispensing
Holder Of The Harvest
(Originally published May 13, 2016)