We must learn to gather each tiny moment of solitude and peaceWe must learn to hold them deep in our hearts…And remember to touch them often (Originally published June 5, 2016)
We must learn to gather each tiny moment of solitude and peaceWe must learn to hold them deep in our hearts…And remember to touch them often (Originally published June 5, 2016)
Portraits of trees are an important subject of mine. Especially lone trees which stand as a testament to their fortitude. I know I tend more towards the introvert end of the spectrum and I see or sense many of those qualities in the lone trees that I stop and spend time with. This gentleman had staked
Here is another color offering. This one was made back in July, 2011 and is a very early iPhone image. It is very close to the time that I came to the realization that I could really make use of my iPhone as an artistic tool. My son had attended a photography camp down in
Window Shade… The Story Behind It Read More »
This is a departure from my normal black and white offerings, but I particularly like this one in color. Roadside memorials abound these days, but I like to believe they are rooted in a much deeper tradition here in New Mexico. The first Descansos were resting places where those who carried the coffin from the church
Saturday morning I was down around the rail yard getting some more of my ‘portraits’ of grain elevators for a project that I have been working on. The light was really nice and I was enjoying my time around the stately old towers. I just happened to look down into a puddle though and saw
For some time now I have been looking at and making portraits of power lines and poles. There is such an artistic expression in this very utilitarian object that so captures my imagination. I look at them and wonder about all of the many stories at the ends of those lines. From the lives of
2002 – 2016Duncan Today I had to send a very dear friend and companion off to be with his maker and friends who went before him. He will be missed and his company and Love always treasured. Watch out for the skunks Duncan! “As young as I look, I am growing older faster than he. Seven
The textures, patterns and reflections of the metal on old barns and elevators holds such an allure for me. When I manage to capture one that works it is nothing short of delicious. I was working my way around this one out near St. Vrain, New Mexico one morning looking for the right composition when
The Elevator & The Moon Read More »
Here is the last of my morning light images from a couple of weekends ago. This was taken at the same time as the previous two images that I have posted. The light was just incredible that morning. It was one of those times when I could barely get down the road a little way
Morning Irrigation Read More »
More of the beautiful light from Saturday morning. Moments like this are so special and nurturing. We aren’t always given such quiet, embracing light so I look forward to these times with anticipation. The solitude of moments like this reach deep into my soul and provide healing and release. Many years ago I was in a