
Portraits of trees are an important subject of mine.  Especially lone trees which stand as a testament to their fortitude.  I know I tend more towards the introvert end of the spectrum and I see or sense many of those qualities in the lone trees that I stop and spend time with. This gentleman had staked

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This is a departure from my normal black and white offerings, but I particularly like this one in color.  Roadside memorials abound these days, but I like to believe they are rooted in a much deeper tradition here in New Mexico. The first Descansos were resting places where those who carried the coffin from the church

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2002 – 2016Duncan Today I had to send a very dear friend and companion off to be with his maker and friends who went before him.  He will be missed and his company and Love always treasured.  Watch out for the skunks Duncan! “As young as I look, I am growing older faster than he.  Seven

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